Meet Robert
Weygandt is uniquely experienced in both the private and public sector. He has served as Placer County Supervisor for over 20 years. He was part owner and Chief Financial Officer of Weco Areospace Systems for 25 years. Weco was a Federal Aviation Association licensed repair facility specializing in electrical components and instruments in the business aviation market. He lives and raises cattle on the foothills ranch where he grew up in rural Lincoln, California.
Weygandt was first elected to the Board of Supervisors in 1994 and has been reelected to five consecutive four-year terms each time garnering 70% or more of the vote. Weygandt won his 2006 reelection in an unprecedented contest in which his opposition set and holds the highest spending record for any local election in the county.
As County Supervisor, Weygandt’s responsibilities include adopting the budget and county ordinances, appointing non-elected officials, participating in and leading regional agencies and setting operational policies.
As a 21 year elected official, Weygandt worked successfully to achieve consistent fiscal health, safe communities, strong jobs creation, balanced growth and effective regional cooperation.
During Weygandt’s tenure, Placer’s budget (currently over $800 million) has consistently been extremely healthy and its bond rating has been one of the highest in the state.
Weygandt has taken a strong leadership position in an effort to accomplish several initiatives. He has taken a strong leadership in the creation of Placer Legacy, an open space preservation program that includes dramatic streamlining of state and federal environmental regulations while protecting and enhancing Placer’s natural resources. He initiated and intimately participated in the development of a land use plan to create the largest jobs center in the county. He played a key role in negotiating a nationally recognized Memorandum of Understanding with the United Auburn Indian Community resulting in over $140 million (to date) in benefits to the taxpayers. He worked extensively to complete a $150 million regional wastewater solution to wastewater that has closed 3 small and inefficient treatment plants and diverted those flows to more cost effective and environmentally efficient regional facilities. He assisted in the development of state legislation that created the Sierra Nevada Conservancy. His work included testimony before the Natural Resources and Water Committee in the California State Senate.
Prior to serving on the Board of Supervisors, Weygandt served four years on the Planning Commission. This experience provided him a thorough working knowledge of land use regulation, the California Environmental Quality Act, state and federal regulation regarding the Clean Water Act and the Endangered Species Act and successful strategies for accomplishing goals within that complicated framework. This includes an unusually successful track record regarding resolving and/or avoiding costly litigation.
Weygandt’s committee assignments include the Middle Fork Project Finance Authority, Local Agency Formation Commission, Western Placer Waste Management Authority, Highway 65 Joint Powers Authority, South Placer Wastewater Authority, Tribal County Advisory Committee, Placer-Nevada Wastewater Authority, Placer County’s Economic Development Board, Air Pollution Control District, Investment Oversight Committee and Flood Control District.
At Weco, Weygandt served successfully as CFO during a 25 year period when the company grew in revenue over 900%. His duties included managing and coordinating collection of all financial data for up to four facilities throughout California, Texas and Idaho, preparing and analyzing interim financial statements, capital budgeting, managing cash flow and responsibility for tax return preparation. He was a member of the National Association of Accountants, National Business Aircraft Association and Helicopter Association International. He also served as Chairperson of the Placer County Manufacturers’ Association.
Weygandt has taught business and finance related courses at Sierra Community College, Taft College, Sacramento City College and Cosumnes River College. While at Taft College, Weygandt authored a computer simulation game and procedure that allowed students to behave as companies and compete against each other. He authored a paper and presented his findings to the Western Educational Computing Conference.
Weygandt’s work has been widely recognized. He testified before the Subcommittee on Natural Resources in the United States House of Representatives at the invitation of Congressman John T. Dootlittle. He accepted the Governor’s Environmental & Economic Leadership Award for the Placer Legacy Program. He is recognized in text book Nature Friendly Communities, Habitat Protection and Land Use Planning by Christopher Duerksen and Cara Synder for leadership in the creation of the Placer Legacy Program.
He was a founding member of the Lighthouse Counseling and Family Resource Center, the Wildlife Heritage Foundation and the Sportsmen’s Legacy Foundation (all non-profits serving the local community).
He is a fellow of the American Leadership Forum, Mountain Valley Chapter.
He was a co-founder and co-host of annual University of California, Davis cancer fundraiser.